​Salt Creek Quilters Guild
Western Springs, IL

2016 Quilt Show: Traditions with a Twist
Thank you to everyone who helped make our 2016 Quilt Show such a success. Information about the 2018 Quilt Show coming soon..

Viewers' Choice Awards: Professional
1. Monica Troy My Japanese Garden
2. Mary Wakeley Cattails in the Meadow
3. Roberta Butler A Child is Born
4. Roberta Butler Potted Pleasures
5. Mary Wakeley Fire Island Hosta
6. Monica Troy ABC

Viewers' Choice Awards: Medium Quilts
1. Marsha Martinaitis My Fractured Garden
2. Kennette Bledsoe Meet the Tweets
3. Carole Ann Wool Lone Starburst
4. Lori Fogarty Slow Down - It's Turtle Time!
5. Laurel Karlo Twitter
6. Carole Ann Wool "Himself"
7. Kennette Bledsoe Under the Sea
8. Chris DiBartelo Very Hungry Caterpillar Tot Quilt
9. Carole Ann Wool Modern Starry Night

Viewers' Choice Awards: Extra-Large Quilts
1. Louise Graff Green Meadows and Peaceful Streams
2. Carol Blanchard Then and Now
3. Leslie Prast "Just a Little Bit Wonky!"

Viewers' Choice Awards: Small Quilts
1. Terri Karls Terri One
2. Charlene Cooper Sea Turtle
3. Carole Ann Wool Cape Cod Sunset
4. Barbara Naucas Jack in the Pulpit
5. Linda Kennedy Zach

Viewers' Choice Awards: Large Quilts
1. Lori Fogarty Bedding Down in the Barnyard
2. Terri Karls Terri Four
3. Linda Kennedy Multicolored Spools
4. Susan West Scrappy Hearts
5. Elisa Arespacochaga Quilting is Dangerous
6. Carol Douglas As Bright As It Gets

Viewers' Choice Awards: Miscellaneous
1. Terri Karls Terri Three