​Salt Creek Quilters Guild
Western Springs, IL
Active Member Benefits and Responsibilities
As a Salt Creek Quilters Guild Active Member, you are eligible for the following Benefits:
Voting in Guild elections and on Guild issues.
Chairing or participating in a Guild committee.
Holding an elected board position.
Winning the door prize drawing at monthly meetings.
Receiving a copy of the Guild newsletter (Patch Dispatch).
Receiving a copy of the membership directory.
Using Guild library materials.
Participating in workshops, based on availability.
Attending monthly guild meetings, retreats, and late nighter events.
Free admission to the Quilt Show.
Submitting quilt(s) in the Quilt Show subject to show committee guidelines.
Submitting item(s) to the Quilt Show Boutique, subject to show committee guidelines.
Submitting item(s) in the Quilt Show Silent Auction, subject to show committee guidelines.
Participating in the Quilt Show challenge.
Participating in any Quilt Show committee.
Participating in Block of the Month when offered.
Participating in Round Robin when offered.
Participating in Show & Tell at monthly Guild meetings.
Members are encouraged to volunteer to sit on a Guild or Quilt Show Committee.
This is the ideal way to learn more about your Guild, meet your sister members, and have fun.
As a Salt Creek Quilt Guild Active Member, your Responsibilities include the following:
Adhering to the SCQG by-laws.
Attending a minimum of two (2) Guild meetings per Guild year.
Bringing treats to Guild meetings when scheduled.
Working on the preparation/presentation of the SCQG Quilt Show as outlined in the by-laws.
Selling or purchasing admission and raffle tickets for the Quilt Show.
Volunteering to chair or help on any of the Guild's committees during the Guild year.