Salt Creek Quilters Guild
Western Springs, IL
Salt Creek Quilt Guild Policies
A joint board meeting shall be held at the end of the guild year. The guild will provide the paper products and drinks at meetings. (3/94)
The board shall consider making a donation to MAQS each year, treasury permitting. (4/96)
Formation of a Website for the SCQG was approved. (8/01)
Revision of guild bylaws to reflect the new 504C3 status. (9/01)
A minimum number of 4 board meetings will be scheduled at the start of the guild season. Board meeting dates and locations will be posted at the general membership meeting one month prior to the board meeting. General members are permitted to attend. (4/02)
All committee chairs and co-chairs have the right to vote on guild issues at board meetings. (4/02)
Fabric nametags are required to be worn at the meeting to be eligible for a door prize. (6/92)
Door Prize Drawing: the new method of a numbering system in conjunction with the sign-in sheets will be used. The member must be wearing her nametag to win a prize (8/00). (Deleted 11/16)
Members are eligible to win only once during a guild year. (1/05)
The Door Prize Committee Chair will pull member names in awarding prizes. (11/16)
Established to make the community aware of “quilting’ and to educate the community and our members. (6/92 and 4/94)
Education/Scholarship Committee is now known as the Education Committee.
Due to lack of interest and increased expenses, the guild will no longer fund its own scholarship award. Instead, the board will make an annual donation of at least $1000 to an established quilt-related organization for scholarships such as NQA or MAQS, treasuring permitting. (8/02)
There will be no more than 1 raffle quilt shown per guild meeting. (4/05)
Raffle quilts allowed to be shown will be limited to groups that benefit quilt guilds only. (4/05)
Each member shall receive a free copy of the library list each fall. (3/94) (Deleted 11/16)
The Guild will match the amount of money donated to area libraries (if the Library Committee donates $30 to a library, the Treasurer will add $30 making the total donation $60) treasury permitting. (10/03)
Treasury permitting, Guild will give $50 each to a minimum of six libraries each year on a rotating bases. (6/05)
Overdue fines of $1 per book/magazine per month, and any item out longer than 6 months will be considered lost. The cost of the replacement will be expected to be given to the guild including all past due fines. Library privileges will be suspended until all fees are paid and the record is cleared. (3/09) The library list will be available to all members. (8/10)
Treasury permitting, Guild will give a donation to a minimum of six libraries each year on a rotating basis. (8/10)
The library listing will be available on the SCQG website and copies will be available at the library table. (11/16)
Annual membership dues raised from $20 to $30. (4/01)
Guest fees for meetings with speakers will increase from $4 to $6. (4/01)
The name, address, telephone number and email address information about Salt Creek Quilters Guild members is provided by the guild membership directory solely for the use of its members, and is not to be reprinted, sold, rented, given or used by third parties, including vendors or solicitors without the prior approval of the Board of Directors and consent of the membership. (4/02)
Salt Creek Quilters Guild members may not use the directory for a business they own or at which they work. (4/02)
The May 31st renewal of membership deadline, as published in the guild bylaws, shall be enforced. All members not renewing their membership by May 31 will be placed at the bottom of the wait list. (4/02)
The Membership committee will publish the May 31 renewal deadline on the membership application. Renewal deadline and the attendance at meetings requirements (must attend 2 meetings per guild year) will also be published on the “Guild Policies” page of the membership directory. (4/02). Subscription member dues increased from $8 to $10 effective June 1, 2003. (3/03)
Membership applications will be mailed to the membership, this due to the numerous problems encountered when using email. (3/03)
Subscription membership in the Salt Creek Quilters Guild is restricted to previous active members in good standing who have been active members for 4 or more consecutive years. Subscription membership must be applied for at the time active membership is terminated. (1/04)
Subscription membership in SCQG is restricted to previous active members in good standing. Subscription membership must be applied for at the time active membership is terminated. (7/04)
Membership applications will be sent with the March and April Patch Dispatch. (8/10)
Annual membership dues raised from $30 to $40 effective 2012-2013 guild year.
Subscription member dues increased from $10 to $15 effective 2012-2013 guild year. (11/11)
Guest fees for meetings with speakers will increase from $6 to $10 effective 2012-2013 guild year. (11/11)
Advertisements should be sewing/quilt related and not larger than a business card size for a fee of $10. (8/92)
The Patch Dispatch will be sent to members on a monthly basis beginning in September and ending in May. (8/02)
A special quilt show edition of the newsletter will be published in August prior to the quilt show. (4/05)
Three business card size ads may be included in each issue of the Patch Dispatch. Member’s personal ads will be priced at $10 while business ads (member or non-member) will be priced at $20. (4/09)
The charge for printing and mailing each Patch Dispatch is $10. (1/12)
Payment of workshop fees is due upon registration. If a member withdraws from a class, she will receive a refund only if she withdraws before or at the previous month’s guild meeting (or by August 15th for the September workshops). (10/94)
Guest fee for meetings with speakers will increase from $4 to $6. (4/01)
Cost of workshops increased from $25 to $35. (1/03)
Travel Reimbursement Amendment: Members who regularly travel more than 50 miles round trip on order to provide an ongoing service to the guild shall be reimbursed at the current rate. (8/04)
Guest fees for meeting with speakers will increase from $6 to $10. (11/11)
Cost of workshops remains at $40 with exception noted by Program Chairs for very high-end teachers. Costs will be announced to Guild members in April/May for upcoming programs. (1/12)
Workshop fees will be reviewed at least every two years. (1/12)
Cost of a one-day workshop for regular members is $40. Cost of a one-day workshop for non-members is $50. Any guild member whose primary responsibility is to serve as a facilitator rather than class participant is not required to pay a workshop fee. (11/15)
A policy written (8/93) stated that any member housing a speaker was not required to pay membership dues. This policy was deleted. (2/16)
Cost of workshops increased from $40 to $50. (2/17)
Cost of workshops decreased from $50 to $40. (8/17)
The Guild treasury will subsidize workshops as necessary. (8/17)
Quilts entered in the show must be made by or owned by members of the guild. (4/96)
Subscription members who wish to enter quilts in the show will be required to serve during the preparation and/or presentation of the show. (4/96)
Subscription members shall pay for admission to the show. (4/96)
The quilt show is to be a line item in the annual budget. (1/01)
A full financial accounting of the quilt show will be published in the September issue of the newsletter immediately following the show. (3/03)
A special quilt show edition of the newsletter will be published in August prior to the quilt show. (4/05)
Shall mail out board meeting notices. (6/92)
Shall purchase engraved shears for President’s parting gift. (6/10)
Shall send card to members for serious illnesses, injuries, or births. In the case of death a member or immediate family member, the secretary, shall, as appropriate, donate a quilt book to the member’s local library or make a donation as requested by the family. ($25-$30) (8/04). (Deleted 11/16)
The guild donation, in the event of death of a member of immediate family members shall be increased to $35. (6/10). (Deleted 11/16)
The guild donation, in the event of death of a member shall be a $25 donation to MAQS. (11/16)
Due to the 504C3 status, it was unanimously agreed that 3-5 people should conduct an annual audit of the SCQG financial records. This committee would include the incoming and outgoing Treasurer during an election year. (1/01)
Travel Reimbursement Amendment: Members who regularly travel more than 50 miles round trip to provide an ongoing service to the guild shall be reimbursed at the current rate (8/04)
Non-budgeted expenses in excess of $300 and capital expenditures in excess of $300 require prior board approval. (6/06)
A Finance committee shall be chaired by the guild Treasurer and consist of four members. The committee members shall be appointed by the guild President. Two members of the committee, with board approval, will have signing privileges for the guild checking account at PNC Bank. The other two members will audit the guild finances at the end of the fiscal year. In the event of a tie vote within the committee, the Treasurer will cast a deciding vote. 1/15)
February 2016, both the Quilt Books and Block of the Month committees and all policies relating to such were deleted. (2/16)