​Salt Creek Quilters Guild
Western Springs, IL

Guild Membership
The Salt Creek Quilters Guild has open positions for new members. If you live in the Chicago area and are interested in quilting, regardless of whether you are a new quilter or an experienced one, you will love our Guild.
Annual dues are $50 for the Guild year, which runs from September to May. Click HERE to learn more about ACTIVE Member Benefits and Responsibilities.
Annual dues are $15 for a SUBSCRIPTION Member.Click HERE to learn more about subscription membership.
How to Join:
Click HERE for Print version of the membership application. Print the form. Fill it out and bring it to guild meeting and give form and check to DeAnn Ellis. Or mail form and check to DeAnn. (address in membership directory.
OR click HERE for Google Docs version
For more information, you can contact us online or write to:
Salt Creek Quilters Guild
P.O. Box 214
Western Springs, IL 60558
We would love to have you join us!
You may pay for
either membership
using Zelle or
ACTIVE Membership

using PayPal

using PayPal