​Salt Creek Quilters Guild
Western Springs, IL
SCQG Subscription Members
As a SCQG Subscription Member you are entitled to the following:
1) A copy of the Patch Dispatch (PD Newsletter)
2) You may attend all General Membership meetings, however,
a) You must pay the cAurrent guest fee ($10.00) when there is a paid speaker
b) You may not vote in elections or on any Guild issues
3) You may take workshops at the Active Member rate, only if space is available
4) You may attend the Late Niter Events at the Active Member rate
5) You may participate in Block of the Month and Round Robin functions based on availability
6) You certainly may bring treats if you so desire
7) You are encouraged to bring items for Show and Tell because our members would love to see them
8) You will be able to display a quilt in the Quilt Show ONLY if you volunteer to work on the preparation
and/or at the Quilt Show.
9) Subscription membership in the Salt Creek Quilters Guild is restricted to previous active members in good standing. Subscription Membership must be applied for at the time active membership is terminated.
As a SCQG Subscription Member you are not entitled to:
1) Vote in any election(s) or on Guild Issues
2) Hold an elected Board Position
3) Act as chair of a Guild Committee
4) Participate in the Door Prize drawing
5) Receive a copy of the Members Directory
6) Participate in the Challenge, Silent Auction or Boutique.